2. Installing aws-auth-helper

aws-auth-helper is available in various packaged and non-packaged forms :

  • source code repository access
  • source release packages (tarball and zip formats)
  • Python eggs

You can also build your own RPM packages, using bdist_rpm with setup.py available in the source tarball.

2.1. Locating the software

aws-auth-helper is available directly from the public git source code repository.

Details on how to check out the source code can be found here :

Official milestone releases can be found here :

2.2. Source Release Packages

Download the latest release tarball/zip file and extract it to a temporary location or check out the source from the code hosting site into a local working copy directory.

Run the setup file in the root directory like this:

python setup.py install

This automatically places the required files in the lib/site-packages directory of the Python version you used to run the setup script, may be part of a virtualenv or similar.

2.3. Python Eggs

You can build and install eggs with aws-auth-helper using the setup_egg.py file provided in the source distribution.

All the usual commands are supported e.g.:

python setup_egg.py develop
python setup_egg.py bdist_egg

This requires that you install distribute or setuptools which is not part of the Python standard library.

See the following URL for details :-


setuptools is now very long in the tooth and full of bugs! Just use distribute, or pip instead.

Download and install the latest easy_install script and run the following command

easy_install aws-auth-helper

This will go to the Python Package Index and automatically find the appropriate version of aws-auth-helper for your Python setup.

Alternatively, you can use pip instead of easy_install.

Just download the latest version of pip from PyPI found here - http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip and run the following command

pip install aws-auth-helper

2.4. Final Words

Always be sure you verify your downloads against the checksums on the code hosting site’s download page!